Thursday 26 January 2012

Week 3 down!

I'm so excited that it's been 3 weeks! I now weigh in at 145lbs, so that means in 3 weeks I lost 7 lbs =). Wooohooo! I am pretty excited! My next goal is to be 140lbs 2 weeks from now! So let's mark that date. By February 9th I need to lose 5lbs!!!

Yesterday I ended up eating 900 cals, and 2 L of water. Today I haven't had anything yet. I'm going to do a workout with mt mom and then shower and have something to eat.

Ok! So I went for a two mile walk, then I had 6 strawberries (36 cals) and an ice cap (144 cals). So far so good! Another ice cap, some soup (70) and jello (300).

Wednesday 25 January 2012

week 2 day 6? I think! =P

Ok so today I ate 200 calorie breakfast, a 144 cal ice cap, and a 400 cal pack of ichiban. I've eaten 744 calories today! That's not enough. I need food!

Monday 23 January 2012

week 2: day 4

285 cal smoothie
144 cal ice cap
70 cal soup
70 cal apple
90 cal crackers
30 cal carrots

Sunday 22 January 2012

week 2: day 3

Oh my gosh! Chemistry Exam tomorrow. I'm so nervous =(. I'm awful at chemistry and I need a 65% for nursing school so I'm really hoping I pull this off tomorrow! =(


180 cal yogurt w/ banana
90 cal rice cake
124 cal cottage cheese and green grapes
90 cal cracker
300 cal taco supper =P
144 cal home made ice cap
120 cal rice cake

Total 1048 cal

Water 2L

Ok, so I ordered a whole bunch of really adorable clothes online, and I ordered ones that would still be super cute if they were a little bit baggy so I'm hoping this will encourage my weight loss!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Week 2: day 1

So I can't remember everything I ate but I KNOW my calories came to exactly 1200. BUT, I just went a little over because I was hungry and ate some grapes and some salsa =P, but nooobig deal.

I cannot wait until Tuesday. That will be the best day ever because it means I'm done exams, have the week off, back to my exercises, and my 2nd weigh in!

I think I'm going to do them every week or two instead of every three because it felt like suuuch a long time and it's only been two =P.

Friday 20 January 2012

Week 2 Down!

Ok so this week I did a bit of cheating, and I've been slacking with my exercise because I've been really sick. I have exams now, so I'm really stressed and there isn't time for much more than studying. On Tuesday my diet will be right back on track. I promise!


255 cal cereal
45 cal tea
0 cal tea
90 ca rice cakes
25 cal salsa
100 banana
176 cal hot chocolate

2L water

Thursday 19 January 2012

Week 2: day 6

140 cal yogurt
180 cal cereal
80 cal crackers
250 cal grapes
260 cal steamer
100 banana
70 yogurt

1080 cals total