Friday 6 January 2012

Operation Weight Loss: Sticking to It!

A little About Myself


   It's resolution time! My name is MaryBeth and this WILL be my last attempt at weight loss and  will succeed!
I have been a chubby girl for most of my life. When I was six years old my mom went away to college and dad was left to take care of us. What does dad eat? Kraft Dinner, Hotdogs, and McDonalds. That was the year I became a fat person!

   I am now 16 and sad to say that I am at my highest weight ever. Through high school I tried only eating one meal/day, only drinking water, throwing up, and so many diets. All of which were successful! .... But it was extremely temporary. As soon as I'd slowly start eating again I'd pack on all the pounds I lost and more. I do realize how stupid I was for trying those things.

   Last summer I went on a strict diet with only fruits, veggies, and proteins. I drank tonnes of water, and I exercised every single day. I lost 17lbs! But it didn't last. Vacations + my birthday = FOOD. The thing about me is I tend to eat, and eat, and eat, until my stomache is overly full if I like a food. But not anymore!
I know that changing your diet and exercising WILL give you the results you want, but you have to be patient. In the past I would give myself 4 months to lose 30 pounds, and I'd give up half way through. This time I am giving myself 1 year.

   Today is January 6th 2012. Next January I will be graduating high school and I don't want to go into the world feeling like I am not good enough. I'm taking some really hard courses and working 30 hours a week. If I can do that, I can sure as hell lose the weight!

   I want to lose weight so I can wear the clothes I want to wear, go to the lake with my friends, wear shorts in the summer, and do all the things that being chubby has held me back from. I want to love myself and be a more confident me. I want to find love. I want to live!

So here is my plan!

  • Every morning I'm going to have 1 cup of fibre one cereal and 1/2 cup of skim milk. 
  • I'll choose healthy foods for my snacks and lunches.I will plan my meals, and make sure I'm getting all the good food I need to be healthy and active. 
  • I will drink AT LEAST 2L of water a day, but try for 4L.
  • I will not eat more than 1200 calories per day.

Where I'm at

   I have an apple shaped body.. Sort of. Maybe an apple/pear? I am 5'3 1/2 and weigh 150lbs (minimum). I haven't weighed myself in a while but last time I checked that's where I was. It might be higher, but I don't want to know! =P

   I wear a 36 D bra. I want to be a B or a C. My main problem areas are my boobs, and my mid section. I have giant love handles, if I stick out my stomach I look pregnant, I have OK thighs. They aren't by any means skinny, but if my upper half wasn't so large they would look fine. I have a little bit of back fat under my bra straps, and I want smaller arms!  I basically need to lose everywhere. I know that when I lose weight, the first place that is noticable is my thighs, followed by my boobs. I've never gotton farther than that.

Where I Want to Be.

  I ultimately want to lose 20lbs. Yes, I know it wont take me a year to lose 20lbs, but once I reach my goal I want to have time to lose more if that's what I want. I haven't weighed 130lbs since I was 14 and 5'2 so I don't really know what 130lbs looks like on me.  If I am not satisfied with the way I look I'll start to set mini goals.

  I really just want to like the way I look. I want to step out of the shower and say, "Wow, I'm good looking!" instead of avoiding looking at the mirror until I get a towel on. I want to walk around and not feel my thighs rubbing against each other! I want to feel confident walking around in a bathing suit, and not trying to hide the bulges. I don't want any of those!

   I want to find someone that I love! When a guy gives me a hug I'm always scared they'll feel my body and think, "Eww, she's fat". I want a guy to hug me and think, "I really like this pretty little girl".

I will be weighing myself every two-three weeks, and when I do I will be taking videos and posting them on youtube. I find doing that keeps me motivated. I will be posting links!
My first weigh in will be on January 27th!!!

The following are photos that keep me motivated!


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