Thursday 26 January 2012

Week 3 down!

I'm so excited that it's been 3 weeks! I now weigh in at 145lbs, so that means in 3 weeks I lost 7 lbs =). Wooohooo! I am pretty excited! My next goal is to be 140lbs 2 weeks from now! So let's mark that date. By February 9th I need to lose 5lbs!!!

Yesterday I ended up eating 900 cals, and 2 L of water. Today I haven't had anything yet. I'm going to do a workout with mt mom and then shower and have something to eat.

Ok! So I went for a two mile walk, then I had 6 strawberries (36 cals) and an ice cap (144 cals). So far so good! Another ice cap, some soup (70) and jello (300).

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