Thursday 26 January 2012

Week 3 down!

I'm so excited that it's been 3 weeks! I now weigh in at 145lbs, so that means in 3 weeks I lost 7 lbs =). Wooohooo! I am pretty excited! My next goal is to be 140lbs 2 weeks from now! So let's mark that date. By February 9th I need to lose 5lbs!!!

Yesterday I ended up eating 900 cals, and 2 L of water. Today I haven't had anything yet. I'm going to do a workout with mt mom and then shower and have something to eat.

Ok! So I went for a two mile walk, then I had 6 strawberries (36 cals) and an ice cap (144 cals). So far so good! Another ice cap, some soup (70) and jello (300).

Wednesday 25 January 2012

week 2 day 6? I think! =P

Ok so today I ate 200 calorie breakfast, a 144 cal ice cap, and a 400 cal pack of ichiban. I've eaten 744 calories today! That's not enough. I need food!

Monday 23 January 2012

week 2: day 4

285 cal smoothie
144 cal ice cap
70 cal soup
70 cal apple
90 cal crackers
30 cal carrots

Sunday 22 January 2012

week 2: day 3

Oh my gosh! Chemistry Exam tomorrow. I'm so nervous =(. I'm awful at chemistry and I need a 65% for nursing school so I'm really hoping I pull this off tomorrow! =(


180 cal yogurt w/ banana
90 cal rice cake
124 cal cottage cheese and green grapes
90 cal cracker
300 cal taco supper =P
144 cal home made ice cap
120 cal rice cake

Total 1048 cal

Water 2L

Ok, so I ordered a whole bunch of really adorable clothes online, and I ordered ones that would still be super cute if they were a little bit baggy so I'm hoping this will encourage my weight loss!

Saturday 21 January 2012

Week 2: day 1

So I can't remember everything I ate but I KNOW my calories came to exactly 1200. BUT, I just went a little over because I was hungry and ate some grapes and some salsa =P, but nooobig deal.

I cannot wait until Tuesday. That will be the best day ever because it means I'm done exams, have the week off, back to my exercises, and my 2nd weigh in!

I think I'm going to do them every week or two instead of every three because it felt like suuuch a long time and it's only been two =P.

Friday 20 January 2012

Week 2 Down!

Ok so this week I did a bit of cheating, and I've been slacking with my exercise because I've been really sick. I have exams now, so I'm really stressed and there isn't time for much more than studying. On Tuesday my diet will be right back on track. I promise!


255 cal cereal
45 cal tea
0 cal tea
90 ca rice cakes
25 cal salsa
100 banana
176 cal hot chocolate

2L water

Thursday 19 January 2012

Week 2: day 6

140 cal yogurt
180 cal cereal
80 cal crackers
250 cal grapes
260 cal steamer
100 banana
70 yogurt

1080 cals total

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Week 2: day 5

Hello everyone! So the last few days I've been really sick and in the hospital, and my diet kind of flew out the window, but I'm back and ready to get back at it again.

Breakfast Ice Cap- 142 cal
Lunch Smoothie- 295 cal
Supper Chowder- 350 cal
Half a banana- 60cal
Crackers- 90 cal

Saturday 14 January 2012

Week 2: day 2

Hello. I slept waaaay in this morning. It's just after noon now and I just had my breakfast smoothie. Maybe sleeping in will cut a few calories I ate =P. I'm thinking of taking some before pictures so when I am done I'll have something to compare to in my last few videos. Gosh, that will be a good day when I can make that video =P. Hahah. But, that's a long time from now. All I can do is keep eating right and exercising!

Food Today:
Breakfast Smoothie- 285 calories
Crackers Snack- 90 Calories
Lunch Egg whites and toast- 229 calories
Amazing Coffee smoothie- 130 calories
Supper Healthy Choice Steamer- 260 calories

Total- 994 calories

Water Today: 2L

Calories Burnt Today: 380 calories

                                                Here is what I desperately want to look like

I want to be able to wear cute underwear and not feel like  a joke. 

Here is how I made the low calorie delicious coffee smoothie. It tastes BETTER than an Ice cap at Tim Hortons.

9 ice cubes
1 tbsp vanilla extract- 20 cal
1 tbsp cocoa- 20 cal
1 cup skim milk- 90 cal
1 tbsp Instant coffee mix- 12 cal
And then I added 0 calorie sweetener
 140 calorie total for this delicious, sweet, chocolaty,  home made, low calorie ice cap! You HAVE to try it. 

Also, this is what my meals have been looking like lately!

This is 229 calories
1 whole egg and 3 egg whites, a splash of skim, and a plain piece of whole wheat toast!

This is 260 calories
I bought these at walmart for $2.00 each. They are called Healthy Choice Steamers. I think this one was Grilled Chicken and Red Pepper Alfredo. 

Friday 13 January 2012

Week 2: day 1

Hey everyone! So I don't know if I am going to be blogging for the next week because I have exams coming up, but as soon as they are over I will be right back at it again. I have a week off after exams. I have them on Friday the 20th and Monday the 23rd. When I am all finished I will try to update you guys on my progress and let you know what's been happening. So far U have lost a few pounds. I think I am now 147lbs.

285 cal smoothie
260 cal soup and crackera
120 cal banana
260 cal supper
60 cal crackers

Total- 986 cals

I will drink 4L of water at work because that's what I always do =P. I wont be working out today because I think I need a break from it at least once a week. But I am wearing my sweat band on my stomach and I am going to purchase a Zumba fitness DVD from work tonight!

Thursday 12 January 2012

Week 1 down!

Hello everyone!

So I just finished my very first early morning workout and do I ever feel sick. I got up at 5am and didn't eat because I was afraid I'd get queasy on the elliptical, so instead I'd stop every 10 minutes to drink some water. When I only had 3 minutes left I started getting really sick. I just can't seem to win! Oh well. I got my workout done and I haven't even started my day yet, so that's good I guess.

After my shower I'm going to have a smoothie for breakfast. I don't think my stomach could take much more than that.

Calories Burnt- 507



Breakfast- 285
Snack- 90
Lunch- 105
Supper- 210
Snack- 90
Snack- 45

Total: 825

I got my mom in on exercising with me and we had so much fun working out this evening! We took turns doing the elliptical and doing floor exercises. I burnt 362.7 calories on the eliptical! I burnt a total of 869.7 calories today! WOOOO HOOO! =D

Wednesday 11 January 2012

Day 6!


Breakfast Smoothie- 275 cal
Lunch Soup & Pita- 165 cal
Supper- 1 cup Veggie stir fry- 200 cal
Extra- 350 cal Smoothie

Total- 990 cal


Exercise- 2.34 mile walk (mostly uphill) 
Burnt about 202 calories so my calories today come to 788!

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Day 5!

I know I said I wouldn't be weighing myself but I just couldn't resist. I am in the 140's!!! I way 148lbs. Hurray! I am absolutely positive that I can get down to 145lbs by the 27th. I am so excited about this! I'm making progress already!

This morning I drank my smoothie again. I love them. They are really filling, they give me tonnes of energy, and they have enough calories! =) I'm bringing snap peas to school for my snack, as well as soup, and crackers. When I get home tonight I think I'll be making some egg whites on a plain piece of toast. Hopefully my mom will be up for taking me for a walk after school. I don't get home until 4:30 tonight so It'll be starting to get dark. Afterwards if I'm feeling up to it I will run  on the elliptical. I don't think I have to work tomorrow so I will definitely be doing it then!

Breakfast- Smoothie 275 cal
Snack- Snap Peas 40 cal
Lunch- Soup- 70 cal
Snack- Crackers 60 cal
Supper- Egg whites on toast 281 cal
Snack- Grapes 110 cal

Total: 836 cal


Monday 9 January 2012

Day 4!

Ok! So after I got home from school I did the elliptical for 15 minutes and then I went for a 2.39 mile walk and I burnt a total of 527 calories today! SO, now I'm going to go and prepare some sort of healthy meal for my mom and I. I think I'll cook some chicken breast, some veggies and maybe some whole grain rice, but I'm not sure.

Breakfast smoothie- 275 cal
Snack- 90 cal
Lunch soup- 70 cal
Snack- 190 cal
Supper- 285 cal
Extra*-115 cal

Total calories for the day: 1025!


For supper tonight I made Chicken Wraps! They had Spinach, Sprouts, 60 calories worth of chicken, a very small amount of vinaigrette, and half a slice of laughing cow low fat cheese. It was delicious!  

Saturday 7 January 2012

Day 3!


Starting the day with a delicious and surprisingly low calorie smoothie!!!

1/2 Banana -70 cals
2 yogurts- 70 cals
1 cup orange juice- 90 cals
1/2 skim milk- 45 cals

275 calorie Breakfast!

There is tonnes of it, so it's sure to fill me up for a while!

Food day:

Breakfast Smoothie- 275 cal
Cracker Snack- 90 cal
Shredded Carrot wrap- 190 cal
Cracker Snack- 90 cal
Supper 3 Egg White and one whole egg 131 cal a piece of toast 75 cal with 1/4 skim milk
Dessert*- 4 small pieces of a cookies and cream bar -.- 210 cal 
Total- 1140.5 cal

When I get off work tonight I'll run the elliptical for a half hour to get rid of that extra 210! 

Exercise- 4.2 km of walking on ice and snow  
Burnt- 269 cal

Day 2!

   So far I've been doing really well! Yesterday my total calories came to 1215 and I drank 4L of water. I was on my feet at work for 4 hours too so I hope that counts for something! Today I've had 557calories so I still have 643 calories left for my afternoon snack and supper!

   Since I plan on drinking so much water, I know after the first ten days I'm probably going to lose a lot of water weight, so I decided to not focus so much on exercising for the first ten. After that I will start going for walks every day if I can and doing an hour session on the elliptical 3 times per week.

Here's what my meals have been looking like:

Breakfast- 1 cup of fibre 1 cereal and 1/2 cup skimmed milk (285cals)
Snack- 20 Astiago & Sundried tomato cracker (90 cals)
Lunch- Tuna Wrap (350 cals) <--That's just a guess
Snack- Crackers (90 cals)
Supper- Tuna Wrap (350 cals)

Total: 1215 calories
Water: 4L

Breakfast- 1 cup fibre 1 and 1/2 cup skimmed milk (285)
Snack- Crackers (90 cals)
Lunch- Spinich wrap (182 cals)
Snack-  Salsa (80 cals)
Supper- (220)

Total: 857 calories 
Water: 3L

   I think that after my first two weeks of this I will be down 5-10lbs. After the water weight I can get down to the real fat. I am so excited for this! I can't wait for my first weigh in to see if I've gone down!

Here's a few more motivational pictures!

I think this one is what my body might look like underneath all the fat!

And here is the link to my weight loss video on youtube!!!

And here is a photograph of the small but filling low calorie meal I made!

Spinach- 1 cup 45 cal
Potato- 1/3 cup 70 cal
Chicken- 2 ounces 80 cal 
(used corn oil) 
Broccoli and Cauliflower- 1/2 cup 25 cal
Total: 220!

Friday 6 January 2012

Operation Weight Loss: Sticking to It!

A little About Myself


   It's resolution time! My name is MaryBeth and this WILL be my last attempt at weight loss and  will succeed!
I have been a chubby girl for most of my life. When I was six years old my mom went away to college and dad was left to take care of us. What does dad eat? Kraft Dinner, Hotdogs, and McDonalds. That was the year I became a fat person!

   I am now 16 and sad to say that I am at my highest weight ever. Through high school I tried only eating one meal/day, only drinking water, throwing up, and so many diets. All of which were successful! .... But it was extremely temporary. As soon as I'd slowly start eating again I'd pack on all the pounds I lost and more. I do realize how stupid I was for trying those things.

   Last summer I went on a strict diet with only fruits, veggies, and proteins. I drank tonnes of water, and I exercised every single day. I lost 17lbs! But it didn't last. Vacations + my birthday = FOOD. The thing about me is I tend to eat, and eat, and eat, until my stomache is overly full if I like a food. But not anymore!
I know that changing your diet and exercising WILL give you the results you want, but you have to be patient. In the past I would give myself 4 months to lose 30 pounds, and I'd give up half way through. This time I am giving myself 1 year.

   Today is January 6th 2012. Next January I will be graduating high school and I don't want to go into the world feeling like I am not good enough. I'm taking some really hard courses and working 30 hours a week. If I can do that, I can sure as hell lose the weight!

   I want to lose weight so I can wear the clothes I want to wear, go to the lake with my friends, wear shorts in the summer, and do all the things that being chubby has held me back from. I want to love myself and be a more confident me. I want to find love. I want to live!

So here is my plan!

  • Every morning I'm going to have 1 cup of fibre one cereal and 1/2 cup of skim milk. 
  • I'll choose healthy foods for my snacks and lunches.I will plan my meals, and make sure I'm getting all the good food I need to be healthy and active. 
  • I will drink AT LEAST 2L of water a day, but try for 4L.
  • I will not eat more than 1200 calories per day.

Where I'm at

   I have an apple shaped body.. Sort of. Maybe an apple/pear? I am 5'3 1/2 and weigh 150lbs (minimum). I haven't weighed myself in a while but last time I checked that's where I was. It might be higher, but I don't want to know! =P

   I wear a 36 D bra. I want to be a B or a C. My main problem areas are my boobs, and my mid section. I have giant love handles, if I stick out my stomach I look pregnant, I have OK thighs. They aren't by any means skinny, but if my upper half wasn't so large they would look fine. I have a little bit of back fat under my bra straps, and I want smaller arms!  I basically need to lose everywhere. I know that when I lose weight, the first place that is noticable is my thighs, followed by my boobs. I've never gotton farther than that.

Where I Want to Be.

  I ultimately want to lose 20lbs. Yes, I know it wont take me a year to lose 20lbs, but once I reach my goal I want to have time to lose more if that's what I want. I haven't weighed 130lbs since I was 14 and 5'2 so I don't really know what 130lbs looks like on me.  If I am not satisfied with the way I look I'll start to set mini goals.

  I really just want to like the way I look. I want to step out of the shower and say, "Wow, I'm good looking!" instead of avoiding looking at the mirror until I get a towel on. I want to walk around and not feel my thighs rubbing against each other! I want to feel confident walking around in a bathing suit, and not trying to hide the bulges. I don't want any of those!

   I want to find someone that I love! When a guy gives me a hug I'm always scared they'll feel my body and think, "Eww, she's fat". I want a guy to hug me and think, "I really like this pretty little girl".

I will be weighing myself every two-three weeks, and when I do I will be taking videos and posting them on youtube. I find doing that keeps me motivated. I will be posting links!
My first weigh in will be on January 27th!!!

The following are photos that keep me motivated!